Rajal Dalal arrested, assault of 18-yr-old in Ahmedabad

“Fitness Influencer Rajat Dalal Involved in Verbal Spat After Alleged Traffic Incident

A video has surfaced on social media showing fitness enthusiast and Instagram influencer Rajat Dalal in a verbal spat with people on a road after his jeep allegedly brushed past a vehicle.  The accused, Rajat Dalal, was later released on bail, said Sabarmati police station inspector H N Patel.

It is also not clear whether the video is before Dalal’s arrest by Ahmedabad police or after it. It was also not known whether the incident took place in Ahmedabad, Delhi or his hometown Faridabad.

“Rajat Dalal Involved in Altercation: Allegations of Hit-and-Run and Public Humiliation Arise”

Soon after the incident, it is believed that Rajat Dalal was stopped and asked to come out of his car by people present on the scene.

A man, taking charge of the matter, started recording the video, which showed Dalal, his car, the man who he brushed past, and other witnesses who claimed in unison that not only did Dalal hit the vehicle, but he was also driving the jeep at a dangerous speed.

Further, Lodha was taken to a cowshed and his face smeared with cow dung. He was also hit with sandals while the accused were recording a video of the act despite Lodha continuing to apologise. Dalal and the two accomplices then forcibly drove Lodha to a residential society, made him do sit-ups on a common plot while verbally abusing him and recording the act.

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